
Tonight's YouTube Gratitude List

Challenging evening.

Exhausted daughter from her sleepover last night, who may or may not be getting sick, but for sure is not her happiest self. Dog with ears full of nasty gack, which I had the pleasure of cleaning out with about twenty q-tips. House not prepped for Monday. And I'd really rather be reading Entertainment Weekly (and eating peppermint Jo Jos with a big glass of milk) than writing.

But, when these moments strike, the best cure I have is a gratitude list. And sometimes that list just has to include YouTube videos.


Kristen Wiig and Will Ferrell on the Golden Globes.

A fresh pedicure. That's always a good thing--not so much the pedicure itself, which I pretty much hate as I'm super ticklish, but the week or so after when you get to look at your toes and smile cuz they look so cared for and shiny.

Sunshine. Ah, yes, I am always grateful for that.

Kayla, pre ear-issue, curled up in the middle of Chloe's Barbie-house-on-the-blanket, with her head nestled right between my yellow plastic Barbie lounge chair, circa 1972, and Chloe's mod pink coffee table. She reminds me of Godzilla come to stomp out Tokyo.

And then, this video. Because dogs will always make me happy. (And if you would like a bit of a darker laugh, watch this cat video right after.)

I feel a bit better already. No cookies necessary.

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