
Little Snippets of Happy

This blog started as an idea to remind myself of the little things that make a well lived life. And sometimes, they are purposely very little. Like today...

A solo trip to Nordstrom, my fave turkey, cranberry and havarti sandwich, a perfect new pair of jeans, and these pretty things captured by my camera instead of purchased!

Thoughts of summer...this would be a perfect Hawaii swimshirt, if I happened to be going to Hawaii, which I'm not. But anytime you can imagine summer, it's a good thing.

 Our family room turned into a Barbie house, with Kayla in the middle of the kitchen.

Winter playgrounds.

 Camellias blooming.

An abundance of lemons to share with friends.

 Vintage inspired tea towels, all in a row.

Happiness reminders in random places...this one on a baby onesie in Target. I do miss buying baby clothes.

Be happy, wherever you are.

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